Sunday, November 3, 2019

BP Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

BP - Case Study Example Marketing ethics is the moral principles that guide operations and regulations of marketing practices (Hill and Ryan 50)Â  . Social responsibility suggests that organization or individual’s actions should benefit the society. Ethical marketing and social responsibility are main concern in this case, for example, BP Company does not hold its ethical marketing conduct and social responsibility. This is evidenced when the company’s social and ethical conduct is coincides with its promise to remain responsible environmental steward. The company is faced by numerous cases of environmental negligence and it also disregards the safety of its employees. In a bid to repair its image after violation of many environment acts, BP Company tried to launch new products that could provide alternatives to oil use and solve the environmental problems that were characterized by the petroleum business. The company launched solar, bio-fuels, carbon sequestration and storage. The company also foresaw the implementation of other energy saving measures. The launch of all these new products were aimed at providing solutions to ever increasing challenges of BP. Unfortunately, the launch of new products failed to solve the company’s woes as the company faced more environmental problems, explosions, and safety issues. BP Company had sustainability challenges since it could not maintain its policies. The company promised to be environmental conscious but ended up having many environmental violations. It introduced new products to tame the many ethical challenges it was facing and repair its tattered reputation, unfortunately, more ethical concerns and environmental violations were reported. BP Company could not implement sustainable environmental and ethical conduct to avert the challenges it was facing (Thiele 55). Corporate branding is the process of promoting a corporate entity’s brand name rather than

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